How to Use Trades to Generate a Side Income

Many individuals enjoy trades but are reluctant to leave their corporate 9-5 job. Trades like plumbing, electrician work or even construction work can actually be fun and exciting for those who enjoy this activity.

While pursuing a side trade job in your spare time and also juggling other responsibilities can be challenging, it can be rewarding when done well.

If trades are something you’re passionate about, or even if you’re looking to make more money on top of your day job — read on to find out how you can balance both to make it work.

Common challenges when pursuing trades part time

There are a few common problems that arise from tradies working part-time that often leaves them burnt out and not making enough profit.

  • Sometimes it’s hard to find a proper structure and schedule for trades, especially when you’re also balancing a 9-5.

  • If trade is your side hustle, often there are no set targets or goals. It’s more ad hoc and all over the place which can cause someone to depend on luck to get enough jobs.

  • Doing work on your own can also be very demotivating when you lack support and people around you to share in the joys and pains.

How to make your trades side hustle successful & worthwhile

Find a style that suits you

There is no one way to work on part-time trade jobs. But it’s important to work out how and when you can do this job. Most individuals opt to do this on the weekends — as this is when they have time and also when a large number of requests for trade work happen.

Some employers are even keen to accept part-time contractors, so talk to them to see how they can accommodate your needs. There are options for night trade work as well if that better suit you schedule.

Trade work can be quite flexible with hours, so have a think about how you can make it work with your schedule.  

Set yourself some goals

If you want to get serious about trades part-time and ear enough to compensate for the effort you are putting in — you need to set goals. Whether it’s a weekly income target or a set number of completed jobs fortnightly, you need to be working to achieve something.

This is also useful for keeping yourself accountable. 

Always be on the lookout for new opportunities

The hard part about trades as a side job is that you still have your day 9-5 job to concentrate on. Be on the look out for short-term contracts for trade jobs: it helps you gain income and doesn’t require commitment all year long.

Oz Labour Solutions has a number of job opportunities in the trade industry, all year long. Keep an eye on our job seekers page to find a listing that suit your needs and skills.

How Oz Labour Solutions Gets to Know Your Business

A lot of employers might be hesitant when going with a recruitment agency for their hiring solutions. And understandably so, employees are an integral part of any company, especially in the trade industry.

Oz Labour Solutions are dedicated to providing employers with nothing but the best talent. And to do that we make sure to get to know every business that comes to us to enlist our recruitment services.

Working with Oz Labour Solutions

Before we start recruiting, we make it a point to understand your business and the culture of your workplace.

Thoughtful recruitment

Before putting out any ads, we make sure to get in touch with you to and talk about your business. We work with you to carefully identify the type of worker you need and plan the right labour hire solution for ongoing projects. Oz Labour Solutions has a pool of employees with varying skills and certificates to suit every company’s unique needs.

We want you to have a workforce that you can depend on and to minimise any hiring mistakes that will cost your company.

A point of contact

Oz Labour Solutions is your point of contact for any information regarding labour hire solutions in the greater Sydney area. We ensure to stay up to date on all the happenings of the trade industry. If you have any concerns about labour shortages or finding skilled employees, get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to address any of your concerns.

We’ll always communicate any changes and keep you informed of what’s happening with our job seekers.      

Building a relationship

We take time to build a relationship with our clients. We don’t just fill your roles and leave you — we maintain contact to find out if the hire is a good fit and how we can make the process better next time.

We want to be an agency you can turn to for all your hiring needs, especially when you have big construction projects or need roles to be filled in as soon as possible.

If you’re still concerned about using recruiting services for labour hire, give Oz Labour Solutions a call on +61 417 364 455 to talk to someone from our friendly team. We are here to support you and your potential employees to find the best solution for everyone involved. So, let’s het started on filling roles for your projects.